Feel Heard,
Not Alone.

Find a listening ear that fits your needs, budget, and comfort.

Why find a listening ear?

Finding a listening ear can provide comfort, clarity, and support through life’s challenging times.

At IHearU, you can select Listener(s) whom offer compassionate and non-judgmental support suited your needs.

Our Listener(s) listen with empathy and understanding, making sure you feel heard and valued in a safe and confidential space. They also refrain from advice-giving, allowing you to explore your own thoughts and solutions. When seeked, our Listener+ can offer their professional expertise and therapeutic resources, exposing you to growth in your mental wellness journey. Connect with Listener(s) and take a positive step towards your mental wellness.

Find a listening ear for:

Benefits of Feeling Heard

Caller FAQs

  • IHearU is the first and only listening app that provides mental wellness services through the defined term, ‘Listeners’. We believe that the primary feeling of being heard by someone who listens (with empathy, without judgement / advice-giving) has immeasurable therapeutic impact to one’s mental health. Research can back this up too!.

    We operate via a Listener Marketplace where you, the Caller,
    (1) can select from a range of Listener / Listener+,
    (2) make an informed decision with community-generated ratings and reviews and (3) schedule session(s) to be heard.

  • Having a listening ear can bring comfort and resilience in challenging times.

    You might feel the need to have a Listener listen to you if you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or just need someone to talk to without the fear of judgment. It’s especially beneficial for those times when you need emotional support but aren’t necessarily looking for professional therapy.

    When seeked, our Listener+ (Counsellors and Psychologists) can provide relevant therapy to guide you in resolving your issues and problems.

  • Yes, we believe so. Many people find that feeling heard helps them feel validated, and less alone. And with that, they find resilience to carry on through challenging times.

    Other key benefits include emotional relief, mental clarity, and fresh perspectives on their situation.

    While it’s not a substitute for professional mental health care, it can be a valuable resource of support and comfort for you especially during trying times.

  • Being heard / having a listening ear doesn't only begin with mental health professionals.

    Listeners +(+ for “t”herapy), includes mental health professionals such as counsellors and psychologists (certified by their relevant Masters, PhD degrees and/or licences and/or experience). Other than listening, they may provide relevant therapy(s) in sessions. Their prices can start at $80.

    Listener include pre-vetted individuals who are
    (1) experienced social workers/ counsellors,
    (2) counselling or social work diploma / degree holders (or students of which),
    (3) one who has a psychological first aid certification.

    (4) ICF-certified coach.
    They aspire to listen with no judgement and withhold advice-giving.
    Their prices can start from $20.

  • Finding the right Listener involves reflecting on your needs and preferences.

    • Start by browsing through various Listener profiles on the IHearU app.

    • Read their profile to understand their background, expertise, and approach.

    • Read community reviews to be assured their quality of service.

    • Consider what you’re looking for in a Listener, whether it’s empathetic support, issue-based specific expertise, or a particular communication style.

      By taking the time to review profiles and feedback, you can make an informed decision and find a Listener who matches your needs and comfort level.

  • Our app is free for download.

    The cost of sessions is based on Listeners as they set their own rates. The cost can range from $20 to $250, depending on their expertise and experience.

  • Yes, IHearU prioritises your privacy and confidentiality. All interactions are kept confidential, and your personal information is never shared without your explicit consent, except in cases where disclosure is required by law. More about how we protect your privacy in our Privacy Policy.

  • Session lengths can vary, but most sessions are typically between 30 to 50 minutes.
    (Note that sessions will end at 60 minutes automatically).

  • If you are in immediate danger or experiencing a crisis, please contact your local emergency services or a crisis hotline. While IHearU provides support, it is not a substitute for professional crisis intervention.

    If you are thinking about suicide, harming yourself or others, feel that you or any other person may be in danger, or have any medical emergency, you must call the emergency service number and notify the relevant authorities, seek immediate in-person assistance.

    These are service numbers you can reach out to for support:
    Singapore Emergency/Crisis Hotline: 995
    SOS 24-Hour Hotline: 1767
    IMH Hotline: 6389-2222

  • While our listeners are trained to provide support, they are not equipped to handle emergency situations. If you are in an emergency, please seek immediate help from local authorities or professional crisis services.

    These are service numbers you can reach out to for support:
    Singapore Emergency/Crisis Hotline: 995
    SOS 24-Hour Hotline: 1767
    IMH Hotline: 6389-2222

  • Your review matters and is important to others
seeking a listening ear.

    After your session, you will have the opportunity to leave a review and rating for your listener. Your feedback also helps us maintain the quality of our service and support our listeners in improving their skills.

    Reviews are also processed to detect inappropriate content or language. We may take down reviews that are flagged to comply with our Community Guidelines (available in-app).

  • Yes, you have the option to use a pseudonym and avatar and remain anonymous during your sessions if that makes you feel more comfortable.

  • We strongly advise against engaging with a Listener or Listener+ privately. Booking through IHearU ensures that both the agreed-upon services and payment terms are clear. This also allows us to provide appropriate support if conflict resolution is needed.

    When you book through the app, you can leave ratings and reviews, which help other users make informed decisions and creates a positive help-seeking eco-system for the community.

    Listeners and Listener+ are not permitted to request cash or any other form of payment outside the app. Doing so will result in their removal from the platform. Any external arrangement violates our terms and conditions.

  • If you experience any technical issues, you can reach out to our support team in-app via "Help & Support" > “Contact Us” section and submit a support ticket.

    Alternatively, contact us at support@ihearu.app.

    We will respond to you as soon as we can (within 5 business days).